Curriculum Vitae

My name is Daria Rybaltovič and I'm glad to see you on my web-site.
My horoscope sign is Capricorn, that speaks for itself. So, as for my personalities, I only want to name responsibility and hating the hackwork (from my colleagues and subordinates I demand the same). Maby, it's because of my parents, who teached me if I started doing something, than I must did it on conscience.
I prefer democratic leadership style, which allows to maximally open the potential and show best results with prefer working, rather then with "must" work. Yeah, and to make me speak louder not so easy, cause I think that the best execution is self conscience.
My life way thesises:
I have a bachelor degree in applied informatic's science in design at Saint-Petersburg state polytechnical university (2009).
I have a master degree in applied informatic's science at Saint-Petersburg state polytechnical university (2009).
Graduated psychological faculty of Saint-Petersburg state university, specialty "Psyhology of managment" (2011).
The 20th of december 2012 I defended my thesis "Psychological features of users of online games with varying degrees of game addiction" for the degree of Candidate of Psychological Sciences (specialities 05.26.02 - safety in emergencies and 19.00.04 - medical psychology).
Was on educational practice in France and Italy.
I'm working as a web-designer since 2006 year, and as a graphic designer since 2005 year.
Language expirience: english (B2), lithuanian (A2).
Marital status: daughter Alisa (2013).
I was working (or still have worked) with follow companies:
- Advertising agency "Riteo Group"
- Advertising agency "STAM"
- Creative solution's studio "Entresole"
- Dance school "Salsa Rica"
- "Digital television's systems"
- "Engineering and Construction Company" Kapitel"
- Group of companies "TALER"
- "International institute for human's potential abilities"
- "Lenmontage"
- Manufacturer of lighting fixtures "APN"
- Network Engineering "EMKOM"
- School №563 "Pushkinsky liceum"
- The Regional Associated Computer Network for Education, Science and Culture of Saint-Petersburg "ROKSON"
- The Regional Orthodox riligious organisation "Parish Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in the vilaage Yukki"