Graphic design, corporate identity, book's pages layout
I was doing different task during my work.
It was not only logo's and corporate identity's designing, but also creating of accompanying products, artment of which was limited by wishes and abilities of my clients.
Kind of woks:
- Designing logo, logogram or modernization of existing (including vector mode processing).
- Designing corporate identity.
- Designing booklets, flaers, calendars, postcards, invitations, advertisment's moduls etc..
- Designing posters and billboards.
- Designing layouts for souvenirs (pens, lighters, flash drives, T-shorts, caps, umbrellas, cups, pins, labels).
- Designing layouts for packing.
- Designing layouts for cutting plotter (including metal cutting), goba.
- Designing book's pages layout, cover layout.
- Prepress of layouts and images.